Adaptation et sous-titrage : Tremé Subbing Band
Avec mytom, yomoy, KB
Scénario : Eric Overmyer
Réalisation : Agnieszkga Holland
- 00:22 - Snooks Eaglin était un chanteur-guitariste de blues américain, né à La Nouvelle-Orléans.
- 08:49 - "Detail" (= "ménage", petit boulot) est un travail d'appoint que les policiers effectuent en toute légalité, en uniforme et après leur travail, en louant leurs services de protection aux bars, restaurants, banques, ou bouges à strip-tease du quartier français.
- 09:27 -
- 10:27 -
- 12:12 - Il s'agit d'Alex McMurray, compositeur et guitariste.
- 16:10 - Le Mardi gras indien a lieu le Super Dimanche, soit le dimanche le plus proche de la fête de Saint-Joseph (le 19 mars).
- 20:53 - Il s'agit de Chris Thomas King.
- 26:30 - Est joué le morceau "They All Ask'd For You", par The Meters.
- 33:08 -
- 33:46 - "Gombo z'herbes" est une contraction de "gombo aux herbes".
- 34:01 - Stan "Pampy" Barre :
- 50:00 - "Love and Happiness", par Al Green.
- 50:22 - LeToya Luckett, qui joue le rôle d'Alison Myers, était membre du groupe Destiny's Child.
- 53:51 -
- 54:03 - Pete Seeger est un pionnier de la musique folk avec Woody Guthrie.
- 54:07 -
- 54:09 -,_Paul_and_Mary
- 54:12 -
> Plus d'annexes (in english) :
- I was playing at the Apple Barrel one night and this dude was out on the banquette yodeling, man. I had to stick my head out and say, "Brah, have mercy." I said, "You sound like the loup-garou and you look like him too." He said, "Well, you're one to talk." And we were good friends ever since-- a beautiful thing.
- It's good, huh?
- I'm telling you right now, Dave is gonna love this. Dave is gonna get a huge stiffy over this. This-- this is right in Dave's happy place.
- Well done, Gator. Looks like we gonna have a happy Dave today, eh?
- You know who's not here this year? Pampy Barre.
- Of course. Businessman, ex-cop.
- Bagman to the stars. The feds have Pampy. And he'd flip on his mama if he thought it would take one day off his sentence.
- You know, just because you've got a good attorney and an expensive therapist and your mother is a lawyer--
- I know, I know. You're spending tons of money.
- And just because you're an overprivileged middle-class kid who goes to a good school--
- Overprivileged White kid. Don't forget that one.
- You ain't nothing but a scene-stealing, conniving, no playing, no singing, pussy faced, pious motherfucker. Now, bitch.
- You gonna sing it? Please don't.
- Didn't that sound the same as what we cut in New York?
- I hate to disagree with your ass, but I'm with your pa on that shit. Where the hell else are you gonna get the legendary Uganda Roberts to play on your session?
- Thank you, Mac.
- Hold on now. I wanted to bring Uganda up to New York.
- You know, New Orleans infect music. It reconstutionalates it. I'm not tryin' to be no jive NO City sucka, but I'll tell you what, it matters the difference. Can you dig it?
- Amen to that.
Always for pleasure, baby.
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— Al Swearengen - Deadwood