Sous-titres Boardwalk Empire 4.02 – Resignation

mr kb 26/10/13 1:14 1     Partager sur Facebook

Adaptation et sous-titrage : KB


Scénario : Dennis Lehane et Howard Korder
Réalisation : Alik Sakharov


- 05:46 -,_Wisconsin

- 07:04 - "Les Pions humains du jeu d'échecs de Mars" ("The Chessmen of Mars") est un roman d'Edgar Rice Burroughs faisant partie du Cycle de Mars et se déroulant sur Barsoom, également publié en français sous le titre "Échecs sur Mars". Il s'agit du cinquième roman de la série, il suit "Thuvia, vierge de Mars" et est le second roman de la série dont le héros principal n'est pas John Carter. Le roman est initialement publié en épisodes dans "All-Story Magazine" en février et mars 1922, puis en un volume en 1922.

- 20:40 - "Knife & Fork" est un restaurant situé sur Atlantic Avenue, à Atlantic City.

- 26:21 - Joe Gans était un boxeur américain devenu champion du monde des poids légers en 1902 en mettant K.O. au 1er round le suisse Frank Erne. Gans défend 14 fois son titre avant de s'incliner par K.O. contre Battling Nelson en 1908. Joe Gans est membre de l'International Boxing Hall of Fame depuis 1990.

- 41:44 - F. W. Woolworth Company ou simplement Woolworth's était une entreprise de distribution spécialisée dans les magasins à prix unique. En 2001, l'entreprise se recentre dans l'habillement sportif et devient Foot Locker Inc.

- 56:02 - Le Royal Palm était le nom d'un train du Southern Railway, une ancienne compagnie américaine de chemin de fer, qui faisait le trajet Cincinnati, Ohio - Jacksonville, Florida - Miami.


- Orphaned in April. Married in May. Pregnant in August. Widowed in November. And they say nothing happens in Plover.

- I will clean it.
- It's not important.
- It is important to me.
- It's only coffee.
- Everything is only something.
- I have no idea what that means.

- Give.
- Mostly everyone paid.
- And them that didn't?
- Oh, they paid as well.

- They spend it fast as you can make it, huh?
- We manage to make do.
- Who wants to settle for that?

- Now you all know I'm a builder at heart. Before I took this office and after I leave it...
- What about during it?

- Mr. Thompson is part of everything. He's in the sky and sea. He's in the dreams of children at night. He is all that there is forever.
- What do you want, Nuck?
- What do you want, Ed? That's the more interesting question. Before all the headaches begin.
- I just thought...
- You were wrong.
- You'll have it first thing tomorrow. Is that okay?
- Of course it is. And then we'll get started on the next one.

- Well, what you doing in the private rooms, Doctor?
- What choice am I offered? The Libyan performs in your club. The Libyan serves in your club. But the Libyan may not attend your club.
- Ain't no Libyans here.
- You yourself are one.
- I'm from Texas.
- Our roots go deeper than that. Across oceans to the mother continent where all things begin.

- I like this room. One looks down in secret and sees many things. You know what I saw?
- No.
- A servant pretending to be a king.

- Mr. Narcisse.
- Dr. Narcisse, Mr. Thompson. I studied too long to forgo it.
- Doctor. How did he know what hotel they were at?
- Who can say? Dickie was resourceful.
- My man outside tell a different tale.
- A rapist kills and a killer lies.
- You don't have any proof.
- That burden is on you.
- How's that?
- A female of the Nordic tribe, a Libyan man... degraded, a discredit to his blood, but a Libyan nonetheless. The verdict is inescapable.

- A thing mixed is a thing weakened.
- Is that from the Bible?
- It is from me.
- It's nice for cocktails.
- To hide the impurities, but they are there. And with each dilution, the spirit slips away. The spirit and the color until nothing authentic is left.


Fucking enjoy, fellas.

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