Adaptation et sous-titrage : KB
Scénario : Terence Winter
Réalisation : Tim van Patten
- 05:07 - Le kwas est une boisson fermentée et pétillante, légèrement alcoolisée, populaire en Russie, en Ukraine, en Biélorussie, au Kazakhstan et dans d'autres pays d'Europe centrale et d'Europe de l'Est. Ce fut, au Moyen-Âge, une boisson très courante dans toute l'Europe.
- 05:14 - Tsatske (yiddish) = femme originale séduisante
- 05:16 - La rue Deribasovskaya est une célèbre rue située dans le centre historique d'Odessa.
- 10:05 - Childs Restaurants était l'une des premières chaînes de restauration aux États-Unis et au Canada.
- 33:15 - "He who fights and runs away may live to fight another day" = Si vous vous sauvez de la mêlée aujourd'hui, vous avez quelque chance de vous battre demain.
- 39:57 - Les Phillies de Philadelphie sont une franchise de baseball de la Ligue majeure de baseball basée à Philadelphie, Pennsylvanie.
- 44:02 -
- 53:37 - Histoire qu'on raconte aux enfants en AmNord: quand il y a du tonnerre, ce sont les anges au ciel qui jouent aux boules.
- 56:36 - Saint-Finbarr s'écrit avec deux "R".
- Odessa, now there's a city for you. Everyone's a crook. Little crooks take from who they can. Nobodies stealing from nobodies. Then the middleman. How many nobodies does it take to feed him? Seven? Ten? The middleman is always hungry, always worried. Because from the middle, it's easier to fall down than to climb up. But the big crooks-- the machers in Odessa-- the big crook does nothing. Drink kvass, eat roast chicken and fish soup, stroll with some cute little tsatske along Deribasovskaya street, everybody tips their hat. The big crook in Odessa, he's somebody. I wake up sometimes and I think I'm still there-- 12 years old, my whole life ahead of me. But then I realize I'm in America, that world is gone and you have to make the best of it.
- God damn it. Eddie!
- Ja?
- Why is this bourbon empty?
- Someone drank it.
- You're cracking wise now?
- I will refill it immediately.
- If there really is a God, would he have given me this mug?
- Look at me. Take a coffee break, don't come back.
- Hot enough for you?
- Yes. And how about those Phillies? And my brother tried to have me killed. Et tu, Eli? Shakespeare. "Julius Caesar."
- There's a character named Eli?
- I hear Mr. Fallon earned his fee.
- Well, I'm sure he thinks he did.
- It appears I have a decision to make.
- Flip a coin. When it's in the air, you'll know which side you're hoping for.
- You know, I'd be out days on end, moving from blind to blind. Water, rations, rifle-- never speak a word. I'd come back to camp and the boys joking... And I'd feel... This is where I'm meant to be.
- Nobody was meant to be there.
- But that's where we were. And we're still there, aren't we?
- Time to come home.
- How?
- I don't know. But promise me you're gonna try.
- You don't know me. You never did. I am not seeking forgiveness.
Fucking enjoy, fellas.
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— Al Swearengen - Deadwood